Sunday, March 29, 2015

What is mercury

Metallic mercury transitional element, found in the periodic table, his atomic number 80, and color silver, which means, with numbers oxidant 1/2/4, and the oxides

base is weak, and has many of the stable isotopes, some, some unstable, radioactive and other has a code " Hg ".
Mercury is highly toxic, and affect human great damage; Fitrakm destroys the brain and nervous system. And should not be inhaled or touched that spilled, he is fast evaporation, which was harmful to the environment as well. It pollutes the oceans and seas, a product waste, and sometimes it is a natural product of volcanoes and decomposition containing rocks on Mercury by erosion and erosion processes, but human contributes to the increase of this pollution by making cement, and the use of coal, all of these processes and other produce mercury, and make it spreads with air and then deposited in bodies of water, and then Atkhozn in the bodies of marine organisms, and thus harmed humans. And lead (methylmercury), a one organic mercury compounds to the abnormalities of the fetus and up at him through the placenta. The mercury can be prepared by improving your mercury sulfide.
Mercury enters the paper, batteries, and the manufacture of dyes, and in dental fillings industry, and in industrial areas, as included in the measurement equipment, industrial pressure and temperature parallel and, in some types of lamps and others. But this does not prevent toxicity or deny the harm to human health, especially to children when exposed to him or to Mesho inhaled or entering the body through food and water.

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